Fernanda Morales-Calva presents her work at the DAAMM! Conference in Austin, TX!

Fernanda Morales-Calva, a 2nd year graduate student in the lab, presented her work on why we remember what we remember: effects of image memorability on mnemonic discrimination at the Dallas & Austin Area Memory Meeting (DAAMM!). DAAMM! brings together investigators studying memory and cognitive control inside the Lone Star State. Attendees come from UT Austin, UT Dallas, Baylor, Texas State, University of Houston, and Rice. The objectives of DAAMM! are to build bridges between labs by fostering communication and an exchange of ideas amongst various memory researchers in the state, and by providing an informal, engaging, and supportive forum in which trainees (students and postdocs) can present their work.

Great work Fernanda!

Stephanie Leal

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