We are studying how mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, influence cognition in aging. The ultimate goal is to study how late-life mental health impacts cognition, well-being, brain function, and early symptoms of cognitive decline.
If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and/or bipolar disorder, you may be eligible to participate in a neuroimaging study.
We are recruiting participants age 55 or older who are experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and/or bipolar disorder to participate in our study on mental health and aging. The study will last 3-4 hours and will take place at Baylor College of Medicine. It will consist of a one-hour MRI session, a saliva sample, and a series of computerized questionnaires. Participants will be compensated $90, which includes parking. For more information about the study, email us at memory@rice.edu or call at (713) 348-8164.
What if I’m claustrophobic? The MRI is a donut-shaped machine that is open on both ends, and participants will be in the scanner up to about their waist. See below image for reference. The nice thing about research MRI is that you will have a screen in front of you, so you will be looking at images and performing a task while inside the scanner, which tends to help minimize claustrophobia.
Does the MRI scanner emit radiation? No! MRI scanners do not emit any radiation. Instead, they rely on magnets to capture images of the brain. For more information about how MRIs work, click HERE.
If I have permanent dental work or metal in my body, such as from joint replacements, am I ineligible for the study? Permanent dental work and medical-grade metal are often non-magnetic and most often are safe for MRIs. However, we screen all participants thoroughly to ensure that each person is safe to go in the MRI.